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You know how when you go on vacation, all normal dietary regimens fly out the window? Or maybe it’s just me, but I doubt it! “It’s OK, because you’re on vacation,” is what Chris and I assured each other all weekend in Iowa as we were enjoying Almond Patties, pizza, dessert pizza, another Almond Patty, french toast, wedding cake..oh yea, and one more Almond Patty. Yes, that was a confession of sorts. But, seriously, how often do we eat like that, and it could be years before another Almond Patty from Orange City, IA touches my lips. All this to say, my body was screaming for normal, healthy diet this morning. I was thrilled to find this recipe for Chickpea Salad from Beloved Green, a new blog site I found. This is what it looked like after I made it, that’s the home made dressing next to it.
It involved making my own dressing in a jar. I’m pretty certain if I’ve done that before, it’s only been once in my life. I happen to love chickpeas, too! Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved them. So, while I was building this salad, I found that my hands were shaking…that could mean one of two things. 1. My body was experiencing withdrawal from all the unhealthy, but sure yummy, ingredients I put into it this weekend, or 2. I was so hungry for this healthiness in front of me that I couldn’t make it fast enough!
Well, It was delicious and hearty. Good protein from the Chickpeas and nice crunch from the other ingredients. A little dressing goes a long way. I thought I might have an unpleasant onion/garlic taste in my mouth after, but I don’t! If you think this looks delicious, you can get the recipe here!
Happy Lunching!