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I’m trying to decide if this day, April 16, has the most significant meaning in the history of my life. That would be a really big deal, not to mention, an honor, for this day! Can this day handle such a responsibility? I think it might…
I could name three other days in the history of my life as very close runners-up: My wedding day; the birth of Logan; and the birth of Eli. HOWEVER, I’ve just now decided I’m not going to grant any of those days such an honor of best day, because if what happened on this day in 1995 never happened, then those other three days never would have happened either. Get it? I hope so! 🙂
Then Now
On April 16, 1995, I went on my first date with Chris. That’s 17 years ago! I can hardly believe it! And, I actually always will remember that it was the 16th of April and not the 15th or the 19th, because on the day of our first date, I realized that I had lost my ID and needed it to get into the dance club where we were to have our first date that evening. So, after scrambling all afternoon, I did obtain a new ID card that, for as long as I had it, had an issue date of April 16, 1995.
The place where he wined and dined me was called Fort Ram. Just kidding, we weren’t old enough for wine and they didn’t offer anything to eat. But, on Tuesday nights they had Alternative Night in which they played songs like Groove is in the Heart and a 10-minute-long-dance remix of Tainted Love. To this day, that song is always just a little too much to bear.
I fell for him because he was a great dancer and looked great in flannel. I don’t know why he fell for me…hang on, I’ll go put him on the spot and ask him! Be right back!
He’s busy. He does work after all. I might be able to come up with my own answer for him. This is what I think he might say: I was a great dancer and looked good in HIS flannel! Ha!
So, I leave you with a line from one of the best films ever made (besides When Harry Met Sally, but they both still have Billy Crystal…) From The Princess Bride about love…
And wuv, tru wuv, will fowow you foweva…
So tweasure your wuv.
Oh I love it! So funny and cute! “This is what I think he might say: I was a great dancer and looked good in HIS flannel!” So great!
Hehe! Thanks Auntie! So glad you liked it! 🙂 <3
The “tru wuv” you and Chris have sets the bar really high! Love Mom
Jen, I am embarrased because I don’t remember the day my husband & I had our first date. I remember it was in November…does that count? lol I probably could figure it out if I thought hard enough, but don’t feel like it. However, I think it is super sweet and romantic that you celebrate this anniversary. We are about to celebrate our 18 year wedding anniversary. I’m a hopeless romantic and always LOVE to hear about how people met. So fun! Flannel is always in style in my book! 😉 Thanks for leaving me a comment on my running post. I ended up running 3 miles, not without difficulty, but done. I left you a comment back on my site. I hope someday we can meet, Jen. You are a great friend. Hugs!
Awww, Shan! Thank you so much for your comment and kind words. This is so fun, isn’t it? It’s like modern pen pals, don’t you think? It would be so fun to meet you someday! I actually thought about that and the blogger conference you attended recently! Maybe next year? :)I’m off to go leave you another comment back on your site! Hugs to you!
Thanks Mom! I love getting a comment from you! Love you!