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Having only experienced one full summer vacation since I’ve had a child in the public school system, I wonder if it is fair to make a claim that I don’t feel very good at it. Good at summer vacation, that is. Last summer I came to this conclusion after just two weeks when we just couldn’t seem to get on track and out the door before 10 a.m. each day! I was discouraged.
Yesterday, Summer Vacation Day No. 2, showed a little more promise because we were cleaned up and ready by a little after 9 a.m.! It was because we had a plan, though. You see, I might still make my claim that I don’t think I’m good at summer vacation, though, but with a caveat. And that is when we are home. This is contradictory to how many times I say that I am at my best when we are all under the same roof. But, when we are here, I feel like I am not able to give my full attention to my guys because I’m wanting to pick up this thing or that…tidy the kitchen…or pull weeds. I don’t think I’m good at imaginative play. I try, but it isnt the best. I don’t want to let them down. But ,when we are out and about, I can engage them better and be more fully in the moment.
I had planned on taking them to the zoo yesterday, but they both chose to go to Garden of the Gods instead. This was fine with me. If you remember from a previous post, I love going there because I feel like I am on vacation along with all of the other tourists. It’s a tourist hot spot! However, the fun part about that, is that living here allows us to take the time to really explore and get off the beaten path. And we know we can to this because each time we go to Garden of the Gods, we discover new sections to nose around in. When you are a vacationer, it’s hard to have the time to do much of that. When we are there, we can sneak off into mostly uninhabited parts.
This is what happened yesterday. It was a fantastic time for the boys and I. We had seen an area off in the distance behind Balanced Rock that we knew we wanted to check out first. I had some reservations about the safety of my guys because Logan believes he is invincible. But don’t most guys at the age of 7 and younger? The way he leaps around from rock to rock and runs ahead is not my idea of stress-free galavanting.
We started off our time together with a stop at Dunkin Donuts and had a hatchback picnic before our adventures began.
Ever since we got our Suzuki XL7, we have enjoyed many-a-picnic-meal in the back of it!
Finally, I am so happy that my biggest guy gets to be with us during the day now and I can add more photos of him into our daily collection!
At last Eli is big enough to romp around with us. No more stroller or back pack! Freedom all around!
Logan loves giving the “peace” sign now. That’s my boy!
Today, he poses!
A mother’s proud moment…
Well. With. My. Soul.
We went off and discovered this very isolated sanctuary of red rock. Endless possibilities for two boys and their mama to go exploring!
Peace, brother!
So, we live here! Wow! I feel blessed.
Hmm…let’s just see what’s around this corner, shall we?
A porthole into another galaxy perhaps? Oh, sorry, I must still be under the influence of my guys from yesterday!
Definitely each other’s brother.
This structure for sure is a mystery. Again, we were very secluded and had to do some (serious…for us) rock scampering to get down here. The boys think it is part of an ancient kingdom and we were the first ones to ever discover it! I would really like to know it’s real origin! If, in fact, it is something different than an ancient kingdom!
Finally, the boys couldn’t resist finding sticks and pretending that they were leading a poisonous snake tribe and I was their prey. You know, that’s just how it goes!
I might just be a little obsessed with Pikes Peak, as I tend to photograph it a lot. But, no matter where, when and how you look at it, it always appears different!
I am completely happy that we decided to venture over to Garden of the Gods every Thursday that we can this summer. We won’t ever be at a loss for land to explore and discover.
It’s a small victory for me to be able to say that I have one, sure thing planned to do this summer.
What will you do this summer?