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One might call it magic. I’m OK with that, even though its not, really. But I’ll go so far to say that I made magic yesterday. Here. I’ll show you what I mean.
I turned these icky, holey work shoes into…
A new set of Bobby Flay Flatware, courtesy of Kohl’s!
You see, I have been feeling the wear and tear of my work shoes grow increasingly worse over the past few months. In fact, if you ask Chris, he might say that I first told him about the holes in my shoes a solid three months ago. But, really, it hasn’t been that bad…manageable without a doubt.
Until Monday night.
More times than not, the floor where I work at Starbucks is wet from spills, etc…As I started working, and stepping in wet spots, I felt my feet growing wetter and wetter, still. I could feel it on my skin through my socks. Bleck!
When I arrived home and was preparing for bed, I told Chris that I really needed new shoes. His amount of sympathy was small, as he had suggested I go buy new shoes way back when I first told him the holes were starting. We decided then, that since I had a good coupon for Kohl’s as well as Kohl’s Cash, I would go buy new shoes on Tuesday (yesterday).
A minimal selection of possible work shoes led me astray and I found myself moseying toward the kitchen section… more specifically the Food Network section of the kitchen section when this caught my eye:
We have, in fact, been realizing a growing need to replace the flatware that we received as a wedding gift 11 years ago. And, when I saw Bobby here on the side of the box all relaxed, I really took notice (of the flatware, too! wink!wink!). It’s as if he spoke to me, saying, “You know you want this set of flatware, Jen. Look how relaxed I am, just sitting here, well rested, well fed. You too can be this relaxed if you buy this set today. You most certainly can manage holey work shoes a while longer….!” I mean, look at his face! I know! I just couldn’t resist. Great marketing, Food Network…
But they are so pretty, don’t you think? Even engraved with Bobby’s name, I mean, for a brand girl like myself, this is pretty major!
But they are also quite lovely, light weight and approved by my whole family. You see, instead of just me benefiting from a Kohl’s purchase, my whole family is.