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Finally! An Open Window!

Finally! The moment we have been waiting for since last March happened! Logan lost his first tooth!! And…it wasn’t even the tooth that was first loose! That one is still hanging on, but the one he lost we didn’t even realize it was loose until the day before the night it came out!!

Everything played out the way I had envisioned it would in my head from the very first wobble of the very first tooth: I was at home (not work) and I was the parent who took it out. Well, thank the Maker!! 

We had sort of given up on the exodus of the first one because it just wasn’t budging. When the dentist last month even gave me a look of certain disbelief that I hadn’t already, she firmly stated, “You can take this out, Mom…” She even told me she believed in me and that if I numbed it with an ice pop and gave it a good twist, it would pop right out!

Well, no. Nice dentist, lady, that didn’t happen. Instead I made my boy cry because it didn’t just pop right out. We stopped trying so hard after that.

This past weekend, the boys and I had planned on cozying up in the evening to watch the old Disney version of The Sword in the Stone while Chris was at band practice. What we hadn’t planned on was tending to a very loose tooth that was quite close to coming out, but that had also made Logan very fearful and freaked out. It was the first time he’s experienced this after all and the anticipation was too much for him. Sweet guy!

I told him to keep working on it during the movie and we would try taking it out  after it was over. I don’t know how hard he worked on it, really, but maybe at the end of the film when the boy is getting ready to pull that sword out, Logan’s adreniline got moving a little and I think he twisted quite hard because it started to bleed. I paused the movie to go get a Kleenex when Logan acted as if I was out of my mind to push the pause button at such a pertinent spot. So, I turned it back on, asked him to open his mouth a little and I reached right in there with the Kleenex and twisted that tooth right out. Pretty much at the same time the boy pulled the sword out of the stone! I’m not even kidding!! And, not only that, but Logan didn’t even know that the tooth had come out! 


Logan was on such a high after that, that we went for the other tooth full force…ok, not full force, because as hard as we tried, it still didn’t budge and it still hasn’t come out and that was four days ago!

He spoke words like, “I am the happiest boy on the planet!” “I am finally not the only one in my class who hasn’t lost a tooth!” “

He even asked me if I had Mrs. Shewey’s home phone number so that he could call his teacher and tell her the good news!

Babytooth in tow

But then came the talk of the tooth fairy. Logan decided that he didn’t want to leave his tooth for the tooth fairy because he didn’t believe he would get to keep it, even if he wrote her a nice letter asking to to please leave it…along with his present, of course. Present?

Speaking of which, I have been very prepared for quite some time with a $2 bill and even a silver dollar! I hadn’t decided which the fairy would use, probably the $2 bill because that’s just so cool. 

But not this time. He said he was certain he didn’t want to leave this one but would leave the second one and each subsequent tooth after that. Did I mention he wants to make a necklace out of this one??

It’s possible I might indulge him. I’m big about firsts. I get it. 

So, still, the $2 bill remains hidden and that next tooth remains in Logan’s mouth with an extraordinarily tight grip. 

I will say, I am proud of myself for maintaining my cool the way I did. Even though when the tooth popped out after I gave it a yank, my knees did do a little curly-que…It just gets easier from here, I bet. Maybe I need to go find the string and a door knob… I kid! I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t!

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