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It’s going really good, so far! A couple weeks into it already… OK, a week and a half, and we are all very happy!
School Boys
We are slowly, but surely, working out the new schedule. We’ve realized that walking to school isn’t as much of an option as much as I would like because someone is slow or has a rock in their shoe or forgets to go to the bathroom on time…etc…these things. Seems too often we cut it too close.
This morning was a little different, though. Eli spent a little more time on breakfast than usual so he stayed home and sat with Chris while I walked with Logan. Most of the time walking could be doable if it was just two of us. Eli and I have been walking to drop him off for preschool at noon and that is great! He even rides his scooter and I push him up the hilly parts. He loves it and so do I!
Logan-My “No Patience for Little Girls” Guy…
Getting back to this morning. Logan and I walked and it was lovely. We had a enough time to visit and discuss the Hydra (of Greek Mythology). Not because either one of us is into Greek mythology at the moment, but Logan is obsessed with The Avengers, whose nemesis happens to be a group of evils named The Hydra. So, I felt like sharing where I thought their name originated from. It was a very wonderful discussion, actually, until we gained a “friend.”
There is a little girl who lives on a nearby corner who we’ve sort of watched grow up because of the times we’ve seen her out playing with her dad. Well, this year she started Kindergarten and we happened to pass their house as they were leaving. This made it so the little girl was skipping along our heels-literally. Maybe you can imagine Logan and I walking and deep into discussion when this little pig-tailed girl danced around us and in between us asking us if we knew that her baby sister was breakable and she’s in kindergarten now and her dad carries her baby sister and they like to walk to school and what are we talking about and she has a new baby sister…and guess what? Her dad carries her new baby sister whose name is Addddiiiissssoooonnnnn (that’s how she dragged out her sister’s name).
So, I tried to be as full of grace and patience as possible, but you should have seen Logan. He didn’t even want to acknowledge her presence and continued walking straight ahead with his head down. He was totally aggravated!! It was quite amusing, really! I guess he doesn’t have as much patience for little kids (ahem, or girls) who aren’t his brother or family friends as I thought!
When we got to school, Logan visited with some friends and I visited with one of mine, whose daughter is in Logan’s class. I heard his classmate ask her mom if she would pleeeaassee walk her down the hill to the door of the school? Her mom agreed whole-heartedly and then I thought I would ask Logan if he would like me to walk him down. But, maybe you recall from the blog post I wrote on the first day of school, that he didn’t want me to walk him down then…and today was no exception.
He shrugged his shoulders upon my asking him. Then I told him whatever his answer was, it was fine, I was just offering. Then he shrugged again and shook his head back and forth really fast and short. Like his answer might just be too awful and he had to do it quickly. It was fine. I told him that it was wonderful if he wanted to go on his own, but I would just demand a tight hug instead.
Well, it was really OK with me, but when I told Chris what had happened, all of a sudden tears came out of my eyes! Huh! Imagine that!!
Eli-My Talking Man…
Eli loves preschool so much that I can hardly grab a hug before he runs inside! I’m glad for this. Upon picking him up today, Ms. Jennifer told me that he is having great success in making two-color patterns but when a third color is added, he slows down just a little. And, by the way, she told me she had to separate Eli from his best friend Colton today because they were visiting too much!
Chatty Chattersons!
Hmm, lets see what my heart did when I heard this. At first I worried because I associated this with him getting in trouble and does Ms. Jennifer think that my boy is a trouble maker? She said its OK and that there are some other friends who had the same fate as my guy and his bestie.
My good friend was quick to reassure me that this is preschool and it is a good thing that he is developing social skills. She’s right. He hasn’t really had close friends before…at least not any with whom he’s dubbed “best.”
I’m grateful.