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I can’t recall a time in years past that I ever desired so badly to begin the Christmas season well before Thanksgiving. Upon taking off the Halloween costumes, I was already chomping at the bit to pull out our Christmas decorations! I was prepared to skate right past any further autumn-type decor and go straight for the red bows, sparkling ornaments and twinkle lights! What gives?
I attribute my head-start on the season having something to do with the fact that this is the first holiday season in five years that I haven’t worked at Starbucks. Please understand that holiday time at Starbucks was always enjoyable for me. I don’t long to be back there this year, however, but if I had to describe a moment that I might feel nostalgic for the place, it would be now, entering into this season. I loved the repeating hum of Christmas music behind the crowd in the lobby; seeing the decorations inside our store; witnessing the bustle of shoppers coming and going and their excitement surrounding a peppermint mocha or eggnog latte; It was great fun wishing everyone Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas and clapping for the occasional group of carol singers that gather tightly inside our walls. Starbucks was always ready for Christmas the moment the calendar flipped over from October to November.
So, my desire to recognize the most wonderful time of the year so early is either because of an ingrained “clock” I can basically describe as habit or its the new sense of freedom that I feel in not being tied down to a place of employment and perceiving the time spent there as moments that weren’t being spent celebrating the season with my loved ones, which was where I most longed to be. With that said, perhaps its because of this freedom that I think, “Why wait?! Let’s celebrate and bring it on right now!”
I hardly think I can wait until this weekend to pull out the bulk of our decorations! It’s so hard to wait, in fact, that I’ve been sneaking a few bits of holiday cheer in here and there. See what I mean?
Well, whatever the reason for the early season, I can’t wait. I always say I never want to rush the seasons. I am rushing this one in, but hopefully because of the early timing of it, I won’t feel like I’m rushing it out, come December 26. This Christmas, I want to really revel in the joy and beauty of not missing a moment with my family and loved ones. I don’t want to take any of it for granted. So, the sooner the better!
Merry Christmas, indeed!!!!