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I asked Logan who he played with at recess yesterday over last night’s dinner. He said he played with a bunch of the boys and proceeded to tell us that their play did not include battles between Storm Troopers, Jedi and Sith Lords, as would normally be the case. This time their play involved the chasing of the girls. If you can imagine the screeching sound of automobile breaks right now, that’s the sound that I am associating with this news as I received it. It’s cool, though. But, I just can’t believe that my boy is chasing the girls. I started an incognito game of 20 questions after that to see how much information I could glean from him. Maybe not 20 questions, but you get the idea.
Me: Who started the chasing the girls game?
Logan: Peter and Robert (names changed). They asked me if I wanted to chase the girls with them and at first I thought I wouldn’t, but then it looked like fun.
Me: What happens when you catch them?
Logan: Well, the other boys use to grab them, tackle them and then let them go, but those boys ended up in re-focus. Now we are only allowed to tag the girls gently and then they run off and the game starts over. I never grabbed and tackled them, though.
Me: So, how do you let the girls know you are going to chase them? Do you walk up to them and say, “You better start running, because I’m about to chase you now!”
Logan: No! When I’m running up, I stop at the tether ball court and wait. Then the girls come by and spot me and the other boys and they shout, “Ah!” and start running.
Me: Do you boys make any sounds while chasing the girls?
Logan: No. We don’t shout, we just chase, then tag, but no tackling.
Me: Are the girls easy to catch?
Logan: For me, they are. Not the other boys so much.
Me: How come it’s just easy for you?
Logan: I think I’m the fastest runner.
Me: Why do boys chase girls anyway?
Logan: It’s just like the way dogs chase cats!
Well, there you go. The simplest explanation. Boys chase girls the way dogs chase cats. That’s just the way it is, evidently, according to Logan. Think on that a while.