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The ingredient that wins the popularity award this month is Pumpkin! There have been so many recipes floating around lately featuring this seasonal gem that I didn’t know with one to go with! I’ve been wanting to bake with it for a while now and finally decided upon Pumpkin Snickerdoodles created by Krista at Here photos were sophisticated, yet adorable and I thought since we love snickerdoodles, what a fun way to add pumpkin to a standard favorite! The boys and I built them yesterday and here is how it went down in my kitchen.
This is what I used.
1/2 Cup Pumpkin
One cup sugar
Two eggs
One tsp Vanilla
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp. Cream of Tartar
Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients.
Roll into one inch balls then dip them into a sugar cinnamon mixture.
You’re supposed to press them down after you form them into a ball, but I forgot to! Luckily I had these Hershey Kisses that I quick used after baking. That seemed to do the job!
They turned out really delicious!