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Love the One Your With!

I made a very important discovery last weekend while spending 30 hours alone with my husband!


How easy is it to loose sight of the reasons we fell in love in the first place? I know, I know…falling in love is so mushy, but I’m a girl so it’s ok. 🙂 When I first told my husband that I had fallen in love with him, he didn’t even hear me! I had to repeat it! Ha! True Story!

I’m not trying to say that we ever truly forget the reasons why we love each other, because we most certainly do not. But more often than I like to admit, life kinda creeps in there and gets in the way a little. Do you know what I mean? At least in my house, we get entirely caught up in the lives of our children and our jobs and hobbies (in my case, ahem…buttons!) Hehe! I couldn’t resist! And, its not a bad or negative thing, it just is. So, make time to gaze into the eyes of your man (or woman!). I mean it! That’s what I got to do for 30 hours last weekend and it was the best ever. Uninterrupted face time with Chris.

I will never, ever forget when we celebrated our 10-year anniversary  a year ago in Las Vegas and upon waking up on the day we would be heading home,  I looked at Chris with tears in my eyes and told him I was going to miss him. The words came as easy and fast as that last day in Vegas did. It was the most real thing that I knew to say to him at that moment.

Well, I would be lying if I said that feeling wasn’t just a little bit present again this last weekend as we headed back to get the kids. But listen, I am aware that I may sound as if I am not completely head-over-heels for my guys, this is NOT the case at all. What I’m saying is, is that when your married to your best friend, there are simply times when it isn’t the same when its not just the two of us. And, I mean to tell you, we are each other’s biggest fans. Sometimes all a person wants is to be alone with the one who waves their flag the highest, that’s all.

It’s all about dynamics, I guess. When we reunited with the kids, it was as fulfilling as I could imagine. Love and hugs and happy faces from our guys…that’s priceless.  We have our glorious times when we are all together as a family. Just this morning I took Eli up to one of our favorite parks. We hiked around, played on the playground and fed bread to the fish. While we agreed that it was a very special mom and Eli time, he said that he really wants to bring Daddy and Logan with us next time because he truly loves it when we’re all together, just the four of us.

Maybe the glorious times all together as a family are made possible because Chris and I (not often enough, mind you…) remind each other of the reasons we are married in the first place.

So, I will say it again. When you can get away with the one you’re spending the rest of your days with for even 18, 24, 36…whatever…hours, do it. That reminder might just be what is needed to give things a positive, healthy nudge forward.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I feel the exact same way about my hubby, and I know he reciprocates that feeling as well. I cherish the fact that I, too, married my absolute best friend on the planet. I think it makes all the difference in the world! God is good, my friend!

My hubby & I are trying to put together a trip right now…it’s been YEARS since we have been anywhere for an extended time period without our kids. Great reminder and glad you had a blast together! 😀 Hugs to my super cool friend! 😉

Yay! Thanks, Shan! I appreciate it so much! Glad you’re working on a trip with your man! Where do you think you might go? Thanks for stopping by! Hugs! 🙂

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