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To my loyal readers:
I love you. I really mean that. And that is why I am writing you only a few sentences and showing you a handful of pictures to let you know why I am not presenting you with a full-on post today. You deserve to know what has taken away from my normal writing time. Ready? I have been busy making this!!!
It is a DIY light box to assist my growing desire for taking more lovely food photographs! My loving husband has been a witness to my recent frustration when it comes to taking photos under such poor, rather, terrible lighting that came with my home. 😉 (I love my house, I’m grateful!) So, in an effort to help his wife in despair, he found this website which gave us a step by step run down of how to do it ourselves while saving anywhere from $50 to $100. Brilliant!
Well, my friends, I built this all by myself. Chris did not help me at all-except to investigate which light bulbs to buy. I see a trend here that involves me completing more things all on my own lately. But that can be for another day. Oh, and by the way, Chris did help me…a lot…by giving me moral support, showing his confidence in my ability to do it, and, well, it was his idea after all. I love my husband. He rocks!
Here, no more talking. Let me show you what this magic light box can do!
Monster Truck
Little Plant
Leaves you wanting more, right? Well, please stay tuned until tomorrow when I can give you what you deserve…a full post…accompanied by an abundance of well-lit photos!
What an awesome job! I love your little light box! Photos always tell a story better, I think 😉
Hi Shan! Thank you so much! I am addicted to having at least one photo with my post…but now there might always be many more! 🙂 But it’s fun and I feel empowered. Take care! Hope you’re having a great week! <3