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Mine, All Mine, Peach Cobbler!

I’m not sure if its because of the unseasonably cool weather that we’ve been having during this past back-to-school week or the fact that I once tasted the peach cobbler from Bird Dog BBQ and can’t get the juicy sweet memory of it out of my brain…maybe a mix of both…but nevertheless, I found it entirely necessary yesterday to make some peach cobbler of my own. 

Because my husband loves me, he went nosing around the internet to find me a recipe for a single serving of peach cobbler. You see, I didn’t want to go out to the store to buy ingredients for it when I already (so I hoped) had what I needed in the house. 

Well, he found this recipe for Peach Cobbler for One on the blog Happier Than a Pig in Mud. I had everything the recipe called for and you better believe I went for it-making one or two changes of my own!

But, before I begin the run down of how it went down, I must tell you how long it has been since I last blogged about food…

Well, actually, I can’t remember how long its been. So that must be an indication right there. But as I begin on the road of food blogging again, I will have you know that it feels great and I am super happy and excited about it! But am faced with the same dilemma as always of being more of a recipe reviewer and tryer-outer than a recipe developer. It’s OK with me if its OK with you. You can trust me to give you the yays or the  nays of the dishes I come across. So, there you go! Let’s begin…

I loved this recipe because it is so easy and, like I said, I already had all of the ingredients in my kitchen. This worked out great because while my loving husband and nominee for dad/husband-of-the-year was bathing the children and preparing them for bed, I was whipping up Peach Cobbler in an effort to bend my craving for it!

First prepare two teaspoons of butter for melting in a microwave/oven – safe dish.

While the butter melts( 15 seconds), mix 1 TBSP brown sugar in a bowl…

…with 3 TBSP all-purpose flour…

…and 3 TBSP of milk (I used skim…but you can use whatever you have, even half and half!)…

…then 1/4 teaspoon baking powder…

…and a dash of nutmeg…

Stir it all up really well…

And pour the flour mixture over the melted butter in the dish. I used two ripe peaches  instead of just one. I diced them up, warmed them in the microwave for 30 to 45 seconds, then spooned them on top of the batter. And, please note, I could have absolutely done all of this on the stove top and will next time!

I sprinkled approximately 1 TBSP (probably more) on top followed by a rather large dash of ground cinnamon. It looks like this before you place it in the oven.

This is what it looks like after it bakes in a 400 degree oven for 25 minutes! Yum! And your house will smell amazing!

I found the crust would have been crustier if I used a smaller ramekin instead of this mini-corningware. But it was still really delicious.

The peach cobbler itself wasn’t that sweet at all, but naturally sweet from the ripeness of the peaches.  I loved being able to control the sweetness by adding a little bit of whipped cream in the end.

I’m so ready for fall now! This dessert hit the spot and actually, I shared it with Chris…after all he is a nominee for dad/husband-of-the-year! It’s the least I could do!

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