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My Boys Say the Darndest Things!

Remember that comedy show during the late 1990s hosted by Bill Cosby called, “Kids Say the Darndest Things?” I do. I thought it was pretty funny. And, it does have quite a lot of truth to it! Chris and I have been experiencing some wonderful gems coming from the mouths of our own babes lately and thought they were too good to let slip away with the passage of each day….So, Chris developed a Twitter account called TheDZBoys that would allow us to tweet the funny, enlightening and/or wise words that our boys speak on a regular basis. I know there are those of you out there who aren’t on Twitter, and that is OK! That is why I thought it would be enjoyable to post what they say on my blog once or twice a month so that you could get a little chuckle from them the way that we do!

Shall we start with start with Eli’s?

“I don’t like horse poop, only human poop.”

“Mommy, you could be Wonder Woman because you are a girl!”

“I just saw a pretend human with no head!” (Mannequin at Kohl’s)

“It was a long time ago, Mommy. When you were still in Daddy’s tummy. That’s how it works.”

And now Logan’s… 

“Mummies are 100% recyclable.”

“If your a bonehead that means you’re a skeleton that doesn’t do any work!”

“They have a parking garage inside IKEA? This isn’t just any store.”

Upon seeing his new bed set up, “I am so exotically excited!”

“Turn green or be destroyed!” (To the traffic light)

“It’s also the ultimate height of adventure!” (Speaking about the skyride at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo)

“I’m thankful for spiders. If not for spiders, bugs would have taken over the whole world!” 

“I know who is singing this, it’s the diamond guy!” (while listening to Neil Diamond).

“When I get home I want to sleep for the rest of the day!” 

“Holy Calamari!” 

“I’m turning into an alien. Just like I thought I would!” 

“Connie-melon does not mean watermelon, it means sad.”  (Defining a new word from school: Melancholy).

It’s hard to pick just one favorite of each of them, but if I had to recall the one that took my by the most surprise, the one of Eli’s would be:  “It was a long time ago, Mommy. When you were still in Daddy’s tummy. That’s how it works.” My most surprising line from Logan would have to be: “Mummies are 100% recyclable.”

 Were there any that caught you off guard or made you laugh out loud? 

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