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I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm this morning which was a dark and too early 5:30 a.m. Never, over the summer, would I have done this! Or, if I did, I would assume it was still the middle of the night, roll over and fall back asleep. It was very restless sleep…the kind that makes me sure my subconscious was in there wringing its wrist and hands, pacing back and forth with a furrowed brow. Thank you subconscious for taking on that burden for me so I could at least get a little shut-eye the night before my biggest guy starts the third-grade.
How did we get here, folks? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I cried, leaving him for Kindergarten? But now, its become such old hat, that upon dropping him off this morning, my nose didn’t even tickle the way it does when the water works are about to happen. Please don’t misunderstand, my heart has been in the third-grade today. You’d better believe every hour I’ve looked at his schedule posted on the fridge to see what he’s doing at that moment. But, I’m glad that first-days of school in the DZ household are drama-free. As long as my guys are fine, then so am I. It was just another day for Logan! He’s so laid back. Hardly anything ever ruffles his feathers. He’s like his dad that way. But, just to show you how not-dramatic the morning was…please enjoy the following photos!
I know one 4-year-old who has missed his brother today. All morning long, he wouldn’t smile at me at all. His mantra was, “I’m just sooooo boooorrreeed. Nothing will make me un-bored except for you buying me a new airplane or Logan coming home from schooooool.” Good thing Eli’s school starts his own school tomorrow! Yikes!
Its amazing how happy we all were before we left for school! I actually wouldn’t have guessed Eli would have such a hard morning.
And, there’s always more room for being goofy than not! It leaves them with happy images for the day ahead.
A proud lesson that we taught our children this summer was the art of photo-bombing. It’s when you know someone is about to click a pic and you jump into the background just in time!
I’d say they’re getting to be pretty good at it! (wink-wink)
This, here, is what pulls at my heart strings. They were best pals this summer. How naive must I be to forget that it would be an adjustment for Eli to learn to be away from his big brother more often now. I know we will all be so grateful for evenings at home together.
Logan and his good pal, Ty, have been in the same class together since the very beginning in kindergarten! And this year’s no exception!
It feels so good to know he has such nice friends around him! It blew me away when I noticed how big they’re all getting. To imagine this day three years ago, with all their still-tiny-child faces in kindergarten, to their big-guy faces today! Then, I decided it was necessary to torture my heart a minute and I imagined what they’d all be like on high school graduation day….taller than their moms, independent, not looking back , but looking forwards toward their bright futures…..
I digress.
Last week when Logan met his teacher, Mr. McIntosh, I asked him if third-grade was too old for mom to still take pictures of them together. To my relief, Logan agreed to smile for the pic and Mr. McIntosh assured me that it’s never too old. So, GREAT! I joked that I would be that mom tagging along after my guys in high school taking pictures of them with their teachers. Hehehe! I wouldn’t do that.
Or would I…….???