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Yesterday morning when I went to get Eli from his room after he woke up, I got my usual smile and, “Hi, Mommy.” But, then as he woke up more, that all changed. He layed back down in such a heavy way as if he were weighted, and groaned, “I want my brother back.”
You see, Logan went to stay with Grandma Carolyn and Grandpa Glen on Thursday for a few days. In the past, when Logan has done this, it wasn’t quite as big a deal to Eli because he was so young. However, now, it’s a different story. Over this past summer these two guys have grown very tight.
“We will go get Logan tomorrow,” I assured him. “You and Daddy and I are going to have special time together first.” This didn’t seem to help his state, as he dragged himself up from a back lay to something of a side position with his head at the foot of the bed. “No,” he whined. “I want my brother back now. I want to get Gogan now.” From there he proceeded to move from that side position to one on his belly, but with his head hanging off the far side of the bed-still bemoaning his desire to have his brother returned to him.
It isn’t as if Eli has done nothing fun since I dropped him off at Grandma Judy’s Thursday before driving Logan to a rendezvous point in south Denver to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa. Immediately following the drop-off, Eli, Grandma Judy and I attended his first movie of Winnie the Pooh! This was great fun and a special memory made. He was as happy as could be. He and I drove through McDonald’s on the way home after, listened to music, talked and had a big time. However, it was when we turned into our neighborhood that he began to cry. “I don’t want to go home!” He sobbed. “I want to go get Gogan! I want my brother!”
The last two evenings when we called to talk to Logan, Eli became almost giddy with excitement and anticipation as the other end of the phone rang. “Hello?” Logan says loudly. “Hi Gogan!!!” Eli shouts. “It’s E-I!” Logan is so sweet and says hello and asks him how he is and assures him that they will see each other soon. That appeases Eli. We’ll see what he says upon waking this morning. At least I can truthfully tell him it won’t be long now, as we are headed up to Grandma and Grandpa’s today so that Eli can spend some special time with them too.
My hope is that Eli is excited when first grade starts for Logan. If not, I am ready to be there to pick up the pieces of little brother’s broken heart. Maybe that morning we’ll have to pick up each other’s? To be continued…