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I have a bag full of summer-time favorites, but on my short list of top five is making S’mores – which is neck in neck for second or third place with block partying. Actually, the two could be in a category together, since when there’s a block party, there’s S’mores. I haven’t decided yet what my number one summer-time fav is – seems like such a huge honor to behold, that I need to be certain with my decision. But, I will give you a hint (if, in fact I have decided upon one), it starts with the letter “D.”
Did you know that the delectable campfire-favorite dessert appears to be a combination of the two words, “some” and “more?” In my research, I found that the first version of the recipe can be traced back to 1927 and the Girl Scouts! Are you surprised, though, really? Evidently they were first conceived, executed and consumed in the presence of a campfire by the Scouts, themselves. Those Girl Scouts, so resourceful…
In honor and celebration of 9 super years of neighboring with our dear ones who are moving next Saturday, those of us in the ‘hood gathered yesterday evening for our fav Boriello Brother’s New York Style pizza, S’mores and some good old fashioned summer evening hob nobbing. We are all quite good at this. Most summers boast at least two block parties in the three – month period. In fact, we have been known to “marathon” block party. One Labor day, in particular, most of us in the circle decided to set up all of our chairs and canopies around 11 a.m. (because we weren’t doing anything else at that moment), we grilled hot dogs, ate, laid around, sat around, visited, talked, hob nobbed, laid around, sat around and before we knew it, it was dinner time. We compiled what grill meat any of us had in our refrigerators, rummaged through our pantries for side snacks and treats, and shared dinner together as well! Is that what they mean by the “dog days of summer?” I’ll take some more please!