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At 3 o’clock today we will head over to Freedom Elementary School to find out who Logan will have for his First Grade teacher! It will most likely be a mad house when we get there. Let me try to lay it out visually for you. On the inside of the (glass) front doors are posted some 20 pages, all spread out, divided by grade and teacher. There is no rhyme or reason for the viewing of said pages. Basically, if you do the math, there’s five grades, four classes per grade and around 22 kids per class. So, in the window between 3 and 4 o’clock this afternoon any or all of that number of frantic folks will be stopping by to squeeze their way through the masses, quickly locate their name (or child’s) and catch a glimpse of which teacher it’s listed under. Then, without wasting any time, they turn around, locate their friends and shout to them who they got. They don’t necessarily wait till they’re within speaking distance. They’re too caught up in the hype, you see, that the only way to possibly do it is to shout. I’m not being critical, I do it to!
After part one is finished and our teacher assignment has been acquired, we head inside (but, actually not until 4 o’clock-they won’t open the doors till then!) I feel like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory! Charlie Bucket of course! Now it is time to meet our teacher and view our classroom. It will be exciting for Logan this year, as he will know so many of the kids already and can look forward to who may be in class with him. Hold on, I’ll ask him what teacher he hopes to get and who he hopes will be in class with him. (He is next to me writing a story about a magician…)
Me: Logan, who do you hope your teacher will be?
Logan: Mrs. Hayden (You see, she’s moving to first grade. Wouldn’t that be cool?).
Me: Name two friends that you’d like to be in class with.
Logan: Um…hmmm…Lily and Matthew and Jessie.
Me: That’s three.
Logan: Yes, I know, but Matthew and Jessie are in a family together and they are twins, so they could count as one person.
Well, there you have it. We are about to collect all his school supplies, backpack them up to drop them off, and take a first step into this next adventure of first grade. Welcome to the world of Graders!