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If I may just humbly introduce you to Michael and Aaron. They are regulars at the Starbucks store where I work. Well, let me take that back. They were regulars a while back, but life has taken them to other places to encounter new experiences. They just so happened to be around on the same night a few days ago and met up there for old time’s sake and to say hello.
Back in the day, these two came in just about every night. During the summer, they would come early and sit outside all night, until closing. But, throughout the course of the evening, would periodically come in and hob nob with us before getting a refill and heading back out. The most special thing about having regulars in Michael and Aaron, was that they actually knew us. We’d share with each other the happenings of our lives, share movie reviews, good places to eat here, but then more times than not, good places to eat in Las Vegas! Because why not? Frequently around closing time, they would come peek their heads in through the door and, in a very loud voice, confirm that we were in fact closing soon at 10 p.m. They did this over-the-top shenanigan in a effort to make our existing customers aware that closing time was eminent.
So many laughs, so many good times. It felt best, and I believe I am speaking on behalf of my other co-workers, too, when Michael and Aaron would wave at us (see photo) almost whenever we came into view of one another again. Maybe I was calling a drink at the bar and caught one of their eyes. Maybe I was out tidying up the lobby or heading to my break. Maybe I was coming back from my break. But when it often feels good to be a regular at an establishment, as in where I go to get my coffee, etc., it also feels good to have the regulars at the establishment where I work know me.
I think it’s easy to forget about how many people we reach everyday and when they remember us, its nice. That last evening when I walked in from taking my break and Michael and Aaron greeted me with that warm wave, I thought, boy, that’s the stuff right there. Thanks guys, for being such cool regulars. That’s all! Cheers!