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This is what keeps startling Chris and I every time we walk past the living room window since 4p.m. yesterday when we got home from Fort Collins! Can you see it if you look closer? Well, here’s a better shot from outside-what we drove up to upon our return.
Yea, you got it! It’s a scarecrow! A little early, yes, and that is what I said to our beloved neighbor friends when I marched right over to their front door! “A little early don’t you think?” Through laughter and banter, the scarecrow was officially given to us. You see, our friends are moving in two weeks and they evidently cleaned out their attic yesterday, thus the somewhat early revealing of Scarecrow. But, Scarecrow is really much, much more of a fixture between our two families. For years, Scarecrow was affixed to their tree in the front yard – a lovely, fall decoration…until it continually got blown around on its post so that it was peering into our front window. (See photo taken two years ago!).
It became an instant joke with us. Everything from how violated we felt because our privacy had been compromised, to how there must be a secret camera installed in its head as to record our every move. Then last year, Scarecrow was no longer affixed to the tree, but to the beam by the front door. What? We surely didn’t mind Scarecrow peering at us, in fact, we had grown quite accustomed to it! Well, our friend said she simply preferred how Scarecrow looked in his new location.
That would never do. I went out to Hobby Lobby one day after the Scarecrows had gone on clearance, and picked one up. I waited that day to be sure our friends were not home and posted the new one right up to their living room window so it was peering in! (See photo!). It wasn’t too easy to see from the outside because of bushes and things. Great success was had after they arrived home and were sitting around their living room. They hadn’t noticed a pair of eyes peering in on them until someone said,“What’s that outside the window?” (See photo from inside their living room!).
I’m not sure it would be acceptable etiquette to carry on the tradition of the Window Scarecrow with the new neighbors. Nothing like first impressions-we may never be looked at normally if we posted it up to their window this fall. I wouldn’t want to anyway – we’ll post Window Scarecrow proudly ourselves in front of our house, but it won’t be the same. He may have to take a field trip across town to someone’s new yard…
too funny my friend. while window scarecrow will be missed by us, we are certain he must remain in the ‘hood to keep watch during the autumn season! we will certainly be returning to make sure he is doing his job! but i concur. not so sure the new neighbors would appreciate a ‘peeping crow!”