June 11, 2012
Photo a Day Topic: Door
Magic Door
Would I go through this door? Well, considering the question logically, my answer would be, “Sure!” Maybe. Great answer, right? I found this door at the entrance to an alley way along Gaylord Street in Denver last month. I don’t see why I wouldn’t just open it and see what was on the other side. But human nature might give me a little trepidation. Maybe I wouldn’t want to see what was on the other side?! Or would I? What does that say about me, I wonder?
I thought this door would be perfect to use for today’s photo topic because it screams, “I have a story!” or “Make up story, because I look so old and rustic, whimsical and mysterious!”
So, we did! Well, I asked the boys two questions. 1) Would you go through this door and 2) What do you think is on the other side?
Let us start with Eli.
Without batting an eye, Eli said he would go through the door because thought there would be a button flower bouquet behind the door! What?? How sweet and cute and a boy after his mom’s own heart! In case you weren’t aware, I make button flower bouquets as a hobby, so my guys know that they are pretty much a big deal around here. If Eli’s scenario was in fact true, then YES! Let’s all go through the door together!
Next, let’s see Logan’s response!
He would go through the door because he would just want to see what was behind it, he said. But when he actually began to consider what was behind the door, he decided there was a portal that leads to a long lost underground city. Then, piggy backing on what his brother said about the button flower arrangement and seeing how he had scored some love points with me, Logan was quick to add that all the houses were made from lovely buttons and wire!
Oh wonderful, I thought! Even more reason to head on through…
But then, the thought of all this loveliness in a long lost underground city might have been too much and that is when Logan continued on with the story, adding in a deep and maniacal voice that there we also SPIDERS WITH 16 LEGS THAT SPAT VENOM!
That, followed by Eli chiming along, “Haha! Spiders with 16 legs that spat venom!!” And the two of them marched away muttering it all…spiders…16 legs….venom….
Ah the joys of raising boys!