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Classic Mom Moves

Standing in line at the school drop off this morning, an opportunity presented itself to me.  I saw that Logan had just a bit of toothpaste still on his face from his brushing just a few moments before. It was an opportunity for me to make an important decision. To lick my finger and wipe it off, or to not  lick my finger to wipe it off. Isn’t that the most classic mom-move ever? I knew I had entered into motherhood for sure the first time I ever did it. As if in slow motion, the act of it replayed in my head as I gasped in horror and exclaimed, “I just did that!!” 

Well, that instance of the first time I finger-lick-cleaned my child’s face happened when he was significantly younger and perhaps not as vulnerable to having his style cramped by his mom.

While he held  my hand this morning in line, I gently squeezed it, let go and placed my finger on the spot of toothpaste on his face.

“You have some toothpaste still stuck on your face,” I told him.

He reached up to where my finger was. I asked him if he wanted to try to remove it himself. I placed his finger on the spot and he rubbed it and rubbed it until only a little bit came off. It didn’t matter. I don’t think he was terribly bothered by the whole thing. But it was a big deal for me. I found myself growing emotional as I looked on and watched him try to tidy up his face. I know! I know! Get a hold of myself, already! It was just the idea that while my guy is one day away from being a second-grader (and was quick to remind me of this fact at breakfast this morning), he is still little enough to have a messy face and need his mom to help bring it to his attention or even help him clean it up. As I watched him, all tall and cool in his hip shorts, I saw a guy that has gotten so big too fast right before my eyes and I missed the smaller version of him for a minute.

As the end of first-grade barrels in tomorrow, I realize that I can’t wait to have these dog days of summer with both my guys under the same roof all day, every day. (Ok, well, when I say it like that, it sounds like kind of a massive undertaking…but I mean it in the best way).  All the while, I know that second-grade is out there, just waiting to claim another passing year of my guy’s life all too quickly. But until then, I can’t wait to slow down, enjoy my boys, and spend special time together. And, if they need my help cleaning up their faces, I will be sure to always have many handy-wipes available. Besides, I actually do think the finger-lick-clean method is a little icky!

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