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I read this morning on someone else’s blog that the author of said blog was in a rut. This is interesting, because while the word rut didn’t actually come to my mind, I wonder if that is, in fact, what’s happening to me right now. And, while it seems a little ironic to have the focus of today’s post be about how little is coming to me in the way of ideas to write about, maybe it might just be what I need to get me moving in the right direction again. 

I also read recently about another blog-keeper who missed her first day of posting since May! I could relate as I (celebrated) my first day of missing a post since the middle of July last Tuesday. Add to that a four-day holiday weekend and maybe I ought to just throw in the towel! I kid. I wouldn’t do that. Maybe there are two things that I have gleaned from missing five (gasp!) posts in the last week. Number 1: The world will not cease to exist if I miss a day as I thought could quite possibly happen. Turns out the Apocalypse was not dependent upon whether Jen’s blog had a new post on it that day. Number 2: Releasing my uptight tendency of trying to determine if my blog will work or not if I skipped a day (or five) to spend time with my family actually felt kinda OK!

With that said, I want to share with you a comical thing that just happened over the last hour or so. Not comical at the time, however. It has to do with the Star of David up there at the top of this here post of confession, or epiphany, or something-whatever it should be called. I’ll decide for sure after I’m done writing it. Anyway, for the past hour (give or take some minutes here and there) I have been staring at that star while my peripheral vision was fixed on the blinking cursor right below it. It was when I noticed that blinking cursor that I asked myself, “What is it you’re doing here?” It seemed awfully poetic somehow. As if I were trying to coax some inspiration out of that star. I wouldn’t like to use that star in vain. I did actually locate it and paste it up there on purpose. I felt like doing that because at Barnes and Noble this morning, Eli and I discovered a sweet little book called The Little Drummer Boy, and that book now resides with us under this roof. I’m a sucker for this stuff, I tell you. And, its such a sweet story, really. About this shy little drummer who doesn’t want to drum for anyone for fear of rejection and/or ridicule. But finds himself by a matter of circumstance hiding out in the very manger where Baby Jesus would be born. The Little Drummer Boy gets to play his drum for Jesus and the story tells of how The Wisemen listened and Mary and Joseph listened, as well as the animals and what do you know, but his drumming prompts Baby Jesus off into a peaceful slumber.

That is the part of this Christmas season that I always finds eludes me the most, if I’m being honest, and it appears I am being honest here, as I have covered The Apocalypse, my blog, my family, the Star of David and now a little bit about Christmas spirit in this post that wasn’t about anything! Thank goodness for honesty-and thank goodness you are still hanging on with me-if you are! I appreciate you!

I have found that it is still November – if I could knock myself over the head with the month of November I just might, because its not like Christmas is this weekend! I’m already acting as if it is and I somehow have missed December all together as well as all the fun holiday family time of cookies and crafts and wrapping and carols and Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. I think I react this way more and more each year as the season does go by faster and faster it seems. And, if I blink or sleep too long or work at night or go to the chiropractor or do the dishes, it might just pass me by. And my kids aren’t getting any younger. Affection from my oldest is becoming fewer and further between and my youngest, quite often, is awfully busy trying to blast me with his finger blasters (in which yesterday he asked me to hold it for him and proceeded to place his very stiff hand in the palm of mine until we got to the car!).

All I’m saying is that if it takes something as big as the size of a month to whack me in the head to get me to think sensibly and take each moment as it comes, then I say bring it on, November! (It may end up being December, too.).

I was busy on Thanksgiving, as you all were, and I never did put together my list of what I’m thankful for. I find that I bug out all too much about things that I can’t actually control as much as I would like to, but to spare you the added lines of words here, I will just say that I am grateful for what I have and how I have it. What I have and how I have it are blessings to me and that’s all there is to it. It’s this time of year, especially, that I find it important to remind myself of that because if I don’t, I will spend the time that I’m afraid of loosing being stressed out!

Oh my, look where we’ve ended up. I guess that happens when I don’t actually have a solid topic in mind for my post. Oh, you’ll know if I’m able to stay on track or not. How do you keep your head on straight during this season, in particular? (Or is it just me?) 😉

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