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Do the Olympics Promote Peace?

Many months ago one of my new blog pals included me in a handful of fellow bloggers that she chose to answer 11 questions on our own blogs in an effort to get to know us better. Well, right off the bat she got to know me better in the sense that I don’t quickly get things done…because here I am, all this time later, finally thinking that I should get at least one question answered. And, please understand that I have looked at her questions many times, but haven’t answered them yet because I fear coming up with an appropriate enough  response for them. I know there isn’t just one single correct answer that she’s looking for, but I would like to do her questions justice with an intelligent, well thought-out reply.

But, let me first tell you about her. Her name is Shan and she is the brilliant mind behind her blog FamilyBringsJoy . I think we have much in common and have actually become friends. It reminds me of a modern day penpal! Cool, right? I even speak of her to Chris like she’s a regular friend of mine who lives down the street! Shan told me that I should be sure and stretch after I run…Shan had on such a cute hat today, wonder where she got it…Sounds like Shan had a great time during her family reunion with some great ideas for fun…

Anyway, I hope I’m not embarrassing her right now. But I encourage you to go check out her blog. I love it. I bet you will, too!

So, out of the 11 questions that Shan presented me (among others) with, I have chosen to answer this one:

Do you think the Olympic Games encourage peace?

Great question, girlfriend! Here’s my answer:

I think 98 percent of the Olympics encourage peace, leaving the other 2 percent in question. Please don’t ask how I determined my percentage here, but it seemed appropriate. What I mean is this, I believe the Olympics promote a worldly sense of unity. The athletes come together with no prior agenda other than to perform their sport to the very best of their ability and bring honor and prideful (but not in a bad way, ideally) recognition to the home where they come from. This is made very clear during the opening ceremonies and the parade of nations. That is my favorite by the way. Chris and I love how three separate announcers announce each country in three different languages. I enjoy becoming aware of some countries that are so small and greatly unheard of.  It gives me  a glimpse into other far off corners of the globe and  I am reminded that the world is so much more immensely grand than my tiny corner of Colorado Springs. That, my friends,  is the long and short of why I feel like the Olympics promote peace. If, for two weeks out of the year, the world is tuned in together over something not of violent nature, political or religious unrest, but of enjoyable fun and encouragement of and for the human race.

Whoa! I just fell of my soap box! Sorry about that. I’m not used to being up there and I slipped!

Thank you, Shan, for asking this question! It was fun to entertain my thoughts on the matter and makes me even more excited for the London games coming up very soon!

I’m curious to know what everyone else things on the matter. Yes – Olympics promote peace or No-most certainly they do not!



I’m with you. I think the Olympics promote world peace. They also promote healthy and worth while dreams for the Olympians. You are too kind, Jen! I read this post out loud to my hubby last night. I laughed and he said it was very nice. I have talked about you as well to him. BTW, I bought the hat at Anthropologie. I splurged for our photo shoot 😉 I LOVE hats, always have. And YES you should stretch before and after your run! This will prevent injury…I’m a huge advocate of stretching. It is so fun to meet someone else I have a lot in common with. I only wish we lived close by. 🙁 I always enjoy your blog…always brings laughs and smiles. {Brillant…really?…blush…not sure about that, but I thank you}

Thanks, Shan! It was so fun to write! And, it is true what I said about you and your blog. I love your topics and your voice and the way you value and balance family, fun, health, crafts and style. It’s a good thing the closest Anthropologie store is an hour away or I might find myself in there tomorrow looking at hats! 🙂
We’ll see how soon I can pull a thoughtful answer together for one of your other questions! 🙂
All my best to you, Shan!

Yes, the Olympics do promote peace, but We need to have these Olympic games in developing countries too.. I mean take a country in Africa, few countries can pool in money and have the Olympics there. The tourism will be promoted the money will flow in.. I think then we will be able to spread the peace even more.. what do you all think of this idea?

Thanks, Cathy! I think that is a really wonderful point you make! What a project that would be to bring the Olympics into developing countries, but I’d love to see a positive outcome. It wouldn’t make the games so exclusive to thriving cities.

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