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Happy Drink Beer Day!!

Wouldn’t you know it? I started thumbing through my FoodFest 365  book today just to see what special culinary delight is featured on September 28 and it just happens to be one of our favorite drinking things!

If I may say, Chris and I have become quite the connoisseurs of enjoying the many different flavors and experiences of craft beer over the years. It seems our tastes have greeted us here, in what I might just call a culmination of it all, with a well-seasoned pallet. I’m not about to say that I like them all – because I don’t and Chris is much more open-minded about his likes when it comes to beer variety. At least I can say that I have tasted a lot and thus have determined at this stage, my likes and bleh, blegg, bleck…dislikes.

I think its quite alright to be a lover of craft beer and not enjoy all of them! It’s the same a lover of  food. But not everyone likes Brussels sprouts or creamed corn! That’s all. So, in honor of today, I first thought about listing 10 facts about beer, but then that felt to researchy, so I then decided I would list 10 things that I feel like saying about beer and maybe a few facts will show up, but it won’t feel like a college paper.

1. I first started out drinking Michelob Light. I could come straight out and say that I think this is terrible ( because I do…), but many people enjoy this kind and I would just like to say that starting out there, led me to here! So, thank you Michelob Light!

2. Chris’s all around go-to favorite beer is 90 Shilling from O’Dell Brewing Company in Fort Collins, CO.

3. Our friend, Ephram, stopped by this afternoon and told me that on October 14, 1972 President Jimmy Carter legalized home brewing!

4. This same friend’s favorite beer is Edmund Fitzgerald Porter from Great Lakes Brewing Company.

5. There is beer brewing in my basement right now! Check it out!

Just kidding, we aren’t that crazy about it. Crazy, yes. But the sign is certainly for laughs.

Mmmmm. This is an IPA, but it won’t be ready for seven weeks.

6. My favorite beer is Ranger IPA from New Belgium Brewing, also in Fort Collins, CO.

This was taken in the tap room at New Belgium Brewing this summer. So delicious!

7. My two favorite breweries that I have visited in my life time are:

Stone Brewery in Escondido, CA


New Belgium Brewing

8. A friend of mine from my youth has followed his dream of opening up his own craft brewery, has succeeded and is running with the big dogs up in Fort Collins. His brewery is:

Chris and I were the first paying customers at his tap house this summer!

9. If it’s from a tap, my friend, Teresa’s, favorite beer is Killian’s Irish Red.

But if it’s from a bottle, then her favorite is Blue Moon with an orange.

10. This is the brew that is currently inhabiting my fridge:

You guys, this one is a really good one. As you can see, there is one missing already and that is because I drank it! And, yes, you are right in assuming that this is in fact a holiday brew, but it’s out in the stores already and Jubelale by Deschutes Brewery in Bend, Oregon is on our short list of seasonal favs each year. It’s kind of like how Christmas Blend from Starbucks tastes a little different each year, so does Jubelale,  but there hasn’t been one we haven’t liked.

Happy Drink  Beer Day! Cheers!

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