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It’s Tooth Time!

I didn’t think I would be this excited upon finding out that Logan had his first loose tooth. But when he got home from school yesterday and said to me, “I think I have a loose tooth,” all the while trying to enunciate with his tongue backed up to it. I was doubtful at first because there have been a few false alarms and time continued to tick on with zero movement. But, when I washed my hand and stuck my pinky finger on top of the tooth in question and was able to confirm a definite wiggle, a resounding squeal exited my lips and much joy was to be shared in the following moments!

You see? It’s the one that is his middle right tooth.

All through work last night the thought of his tooth coming out gave me so much excitement that every time the idea of it flitted  back into my mind, my stomach did a little dance! It has been an unspoken agreement…a quiet knowledge, if you will…between Chris and I that I would be the parent who assists with the loosing of the teeth. So, now I need to gear up! I’m excited because I’ve never done it before….I’m excited because I need to figure out what we will place the tooth in to put it under the pillow! I’m excited because the Tooth Fairy will come! But how can she possibly complete the business at hand with out waking him? I’m quite nervous about that one!

That reminds me of when Santa comes to our house…here, take a look at this if you haven’t already and you’ll see what I mean: Saving Santa’s Cover 

I’ve heard that the going rate for a tooth these days in up to $5! Two girls at the school drop off today were discussing what they recently received from the Tooth Fairy. One received $1 and the other $2. You can imagine the whiny “No fair!” that accompanied that exchange!

My sister checked in with us today to see “How the tooth was doing…” She asked if Logan would choose to take the money from the Tooth Fairy or keep the tooth! I wasn’t aware that it was an option and if I know my guy, he’ll be a taker of the cash for sure! Or more likely if he had the opportunity he might invite the Tooth Fairy into negotiations to come away with both!

Luckily and coincidentally he has a dentist appointment this afternoon. Maybe then we can see how far along the tooth is because I cannot remember the period of time between the moment the tooth becomes loose and the moment it escapes. If I were to guess how Logan will react when the time comes, I will go ahead and say that I think it might rock him a little. Knowing my son, the anticipation and the anxiety of whether or not it will hurt or bleed or whatever else might just consume him. Or, I could be completely wrong. To my knowledge, I don’t think he even knows how the act of loosing a tooth happens! I think it’s best I keep my mouth shut about any pending details and let it play out naturally.

Is that what you would do? Best to explain the process? Or let it be?

As a newbie in the tooth-catching category of parenting, I am open to any advice! Really….!


Personally, I think that $5 is a little much! I think the amount of money I received depended on the size of the tooth.

“Tooth Catching” Love it!

I have never had to “catch” a tooth. They have always been handed to me. When we had one child the going rate was $5. Now that we have 3 loosing teeth at the same time it is more like a extra special coin, $2 bill, or $1. The time line to loosing a tooth is as individual as the kid. It can take weeks or one 6 hr. car ride. Have fun

Thanks, Marsha! I always appreciate your input! I do hope I get to help with the removal – at least the first time! I’m thinking a silver (well, I think they are gold now…) dollar might be quite novel! The sooner the better! 🙂

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