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Ladies Love Logan

For as long as Logan has been under the wing of a teacher figure…ie, Sunday school, preschool…even kindergarten, I have heard from said teachers that he is destined to be a man highly sought after by the ladies. Now, really, I’m not intending to be braggy here, I’m just repeating what has been told to me, and besides, does a mom really want to boast about something like that? I don’t know. But what I do know, is that I’ve seen it. I can remember when he was just three and in his first year of preschool and more than one little girl announced that she would be marrying my son. And, when our neighbors moved in next door around that same time with a girl just a little younger than he, well, she announced dibs on his hand as well! They were three, folks.

Anyhow, as he grew, year after year, teachers and mothers of girls alike chuckled about the way the little girls swooned over him. One teacher in particular, explained what she had observed specifically, and what the draw might actually be. It was that he always put their needs before his own…meaning, he would let the girls determine what their imaginative playtime would be, therefor almost always ending up in a kingdom scenario where he would be the brave knight who would save them from some wretched doom. I mean, it’s all young and innocent, but what girl wouldn’t be drawn to a boy whose sole purpose was to save her? Hehe!

Even last year, in kindergarten, I witnessed a girl actually flirt with him while I was volunteering in his classroom. During quiet reading time, she got up from her table with her pencil (en route to the pencil sharpener), walked up by him and placed her hand on his shoulder. She stood there just a moment (without him acknowledging her…), and then said and a little voice, “Hi Logan…” It took him another moment to look up at her and when he did he simply said, “hi.” But here’s the thing, he’s clueless. Times have changed and I don’t know if he’s the same charmer he once was in his younger years.

I say this only because of a line he spoke to a girl at school not too long ago. As grown-ups aware of what pick-up lines are, Chris and I sure got a giggle out of it. Here’s what happened: A girl named Natalie was standing by him in line and he turned around and spoke the words, “Did you know you’re named after a very powerful rookie?”

Side Note: The powerful rookie comes from Lego Hero Factory, where robot heroes are created to battle for justice against the bad robots. The one and only female in the bunch is named Natalie Breez. Here is what she looks like:

He said this to the girl at school and she only just gave him a blank stare. If I knew that this was actually his effort to drop her a smooth line because he actually liked her, liked her, and they were 10 years older (Yes, I said 10), then I would feel sad for my guy to only get a blank stare in return. But I actually think he wanted to tell her that she should feel so cool that she shares the same name as someone (in his eyes) who is so rad…and powerful…and, a robot!

So, here’s a bit of advice to all you first-grade girls out there from his mom. Unless your name is Natalie, or you are able to meet him at his brain level of knowledge regarding Legos, Lego Hero Factory, Lego Ninjago, or Lego Alien Conquest, you’ll probably have to get the time from someone else.

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