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A couple weeks ago I had the absolute pleasure of watching one of my most favorite movies. And no, it wasn’t When Harry Met Sally, but good guess. Oh! No…it wasn’t The Breakfast Club, either…another good guess…and normally you’d be right by naming either one of those two first. This time, it was a film that I actually kind of forgot about for a while, but one that brings me just as much joy as Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan or Judd Nelson and Molly Ringwald.
All I can say about Galaxy Quest is that it is downright funny! With a cast of Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, a young Sam Rockwell and Justin Long…it’s fantastic! I can’t get enough! Here, I found this for you before we go any further:
While I think the entire film is my favorite…I can’t possibly go through and pull out every last line and photo from it! So, I chose my top 7 and I picked them because they make me laugh so hard that if I happen to be eating while I’m laughing, I drool. That my friends is what determines good humor. Is it funny? Or is it drool-inducing-funny? Please enjoy:
Jason Nesmith: You WILL go out there!
Alexander Dane: I won’t and nothing you say will make me.
J.N. : The show must go on…
A.D. : …Damn you.
Fred Kwan: That was a hell of a thing!
Guy Fleegman: I’m just jazzed about being on the show, man.
Gwen DeMarco: Let’s get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!
Gwen DeMarco: Does the rolling help?
Jason Nesmith: Yes, it helps.
Jason Nesmith: Remember yesterday at the convention, those people dressed like aliens? They were aliens! They were termites or…or dalmatians. I can’t really remember because I was kinda hungover.
And please note, there are so many parts in this film that I love…The way the Thermians talk…the way they walk…the way Laliari’s translator was broken the first time she tried to speak with Jason Nesmith and she just squalked at him. I love how Guy breaks down all the time over the death of his character: I’m just Crewman Number Six. I’m expendable. I’m the guy in the episode who dies to prove how serious the situation is! I love Gorignak. I love the Galaxy Quest convention and how Brandon Wheeger ends up helping to save the day! I love when Tommy Webber gets behind the helm of the NSEA Protector and runs it into the side of the space station upon taking it out for the very first time.
And, if my words alone don’t pay the film the tribute that it is due, I leave you with this. Words of praise from (the) Patrick Stewart:
I had originally not wanted to see Galaxy Quest because I heard that it was making fun of Star Trek, and then Jonathan Frakes rang me up and said “You must not miss this movie! See it on a Saturday night in a full theatre.” And I did, and of course I found it was brilliant. Brilliant. No one laughed louder or longer in the cinema than I did, but the idea that the ship was saved and all of our heroes in that movie were saved simply by the fact that there were fans who did understand the scientific principles on which the ship worked was absolutely wonderful. And it was both funny and also touching in that it paid tribute to the dedication of these fans. — Patrick Stewart
I liked Galaxy Quest. It is fun and sometimes that is all I want from my movies.
Thanks, Jack! I agree…it’s nice to just give in to a guilty pleasure like this every now and then. Have a good one, today!