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Oh No You Didn’t!

I feel so fortunate that Chris and I have two really good boys. You know, well behaved. We don’t have to lose sleep at night wondering if one of them will get in trouble for a bad decision they’ve made, or whatever the case. Again, so thankful! Well, it was last night when Logan told me that he got in trouble on the way back inside from lunch recess yesterday. 

*Side note* I have always heard that the school Logan attends is extraordinarily strict on the behavior front. I am glad for this – but the stories that have been told to me lead me to believe that it may be a little on the side of extreme-especially during or around lunch time and lunch recess. Moving on…

There is a lengthy side walk that is at a rather steep incline between the school and the playground. It has been said that if even one student is out of line (literally and figuratively) then all the students have to stop and sit down for two minutes.

So, it was with great alarm that I received this news from Logan – that he got in trouble on the way in from lunch recess. Dun. Dun. Dun…

Turns out, it was in self defense. Because a boy that Logan had been playing with during recess started at him to chase him, and Logan, knowing not to run in line, but also not wanting this guy to get him, took a few steps in a run/walk and was in fact caught by a teacher (not his, mind you) and had to stand out of line in a circle with some other children who broke a rule. Then they were interrogated about said rules and why they were broken.


You can imagine I was up in arms about it because it is so unfortunate. But its the way it goes I guess. Getting in trouble by association or circumstance; wrong place at the wrong time; anything…What could I have told him? He already tries to keep his distance from some of the other kids who frequent the naughty circle or what-have-you. Human instinct has us run or flinch when charged at, right? Fight or flight.

So, as his mom, I felt like I wanted to march right in there and go shake my finger at who ever that teacher was. Oh no you didn’t just pull my son out of line for defending himself! Doesn’t she know he’s a good boy? This is his first offense in the whole (almost) year-and-a-half that he’s attended school there! Who does she think she is? Blah blah blah. I know. And I can’t save him from everything. He doesn’t seem too torn up about it. I’m probably more torn up than he is.

I remember the first time I got in trouble in school. It was by a teacher named Mrs. McDonald. She was a fourth grade teacher – but it seems like I wasn’t in fourth grade yet-maybe she was helping out a younger-year teacher. Anyhow, I evidently was talking to my neighbor too much and I had to put my head down on my desk!! In front of everyone!! Oh, it was horrific. See, you know it was, because I’m retelling the story to you! And it’s causing me to use an abundance of exclamation points!!!!

So, I will be sure to be a shoulder for Logan to lean on 28 years from now (or tomorrow, whenever) when he is remembering, in horror, the first time he got in trouble at school.

Or maybe he’s already forgotten! 🙂


Oh sweet Jen. You make me laugh. I especially love your abundance of exclamation points. =) Thanks for sharing this story. It made me want to remember my first time getting into trouble at school. I can’t seem to remember getting into trouble until High School. I wonder if I just blocked it out of my mind or perhaps in my old age I can’t remember back that far. Or maybe, could it possibly be because I was just a perfect angel until I was a teenager? No, I am sure I just simply can not remember.

Hehe! Thanks for the comment, Michelle! I’m certain you were a pretty well behaved girl! It certainly could have been high school! So crazy that its now a topic all over again, but with our kids!

I remember my first (and only) detention! I was in 6th grade and I got in trouble because a friend passed a note to me in class and the teacher saw it! I didn’t even get to read the note; however, I think it was insulting our teacher! Anyway, I had to stay after school for an extra 15 minutes for detention and I was crying and crying! I think I was more afraid of what my mom would think when she heard I got in trouble than the actual detention or the teacher. But when I got home my mom didn’t even notice that I was home a bit later- she just asked me why I had been crying. She decided not to punish me further because I had already punished myself enough! Haha!

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