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Chris paced between the living room and kitchen, reacting to the words being spoken to him on the other end of his cell phone line. The quiet tone of his voice fed my fears, adding to my nervous anticipation of what I hoped and prayed wouldn’t be true. And then, as if on cue, he mouthed to me the words, “I need surgery again.”
We had less than 10 appointments left when I had a sort of out-of-my-body, coming-to-Jesus moment while sitting in the radiation center waiting room.
A note from me!! This is the second entry in a series of (probably) three in which I will share some stories about my time with my husband, Chris, as he underwent radiation therapy to kill the malignant tumor in his brain. If you missed entry 1, you can click on the link, here to get […]
When Chris asked me a few days ago if he could drive us to Target instead of me, because his vision has come back, an unexpected thing happened.
It’s real. It’s hard. It’s me. And that’s good.
That was all before finding out that my upcoming days had big, fat question marks on them! Now it feels like fear is right before me chuckling and calling me, sucker!
I found inspiration from a post that came across my Instagram feed last week. It had to do with something called a Pride Board that a second-grade teacher uses to empower her students by posting upon it their everyday successes. No matter how big or not big.
I have a job interview today, friends. I know! It’s crazy. It sorta came out of nowhere. Well, actually, that would be accurate. The opportunity did come quickly out of nowhere, but gracefully delivered to me by my dear friend, Shannon. You see, she is in her third year as lunch-room attendant at our kid’s […]
I’m not scared of the kids anymore! Yay! No, not my kids…Kindergarten kids!
One of the things that I strive for very much in my parenting is nurturing and encouraging my boys’ self-expression and comfort in doing so. Often, their self-expression might be considered out-of-the-box, but mildly so, at this age. Sometimes the line between when I know its appropriate to encourage it or not, is gray.