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If I took one thing away from my hour-long volunteering stint in Logan’s class yesterday, its that these kid’s teeth are flying out of their little mouths before they can say the words, “Tooth Fairy!”
Is it just me, or is the fall craft involving placing a leaf under a piece of paper and coloring over it to bring out the print one of those timeless activities that I did as a kid?
There’s an interesting thing going on between my oldest guy and myself lately.
I remember seeing this recipe for Ravioli with Sage-Walnut Butter in the Food Network Magazine a year ago and it caught my eye.
Ok, not really. But,yes,back east this time of year wins the gold in my book for best location to enjoy fall foliage-and actually to enjoy fall in every sense of its glory.
As promised, here is my list of favorite famous people with whom I like to look at-in other words, whom I find attractive.
I came across a fun idea recently, to blog about my answers to different questions regarding life, pop culture, childhood memories, etc!
Wouldn’t you know it? I started thumbing through my FoodFest 365 book today just to see what special culinary delight is featured on September 28 and it just happens to be one of our favorite drinking things!
There are so many ways that I try and feel safe in my house. I’ll be the first to admit that I loath being home alone in the dark-out-side hours of the day.