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Welcome to Fun Face Friday! This is a new bit of excitement that I will feature on the site every Friday!
I took the boys on their scooters to the park this morning just to get out a little bit. It was good for my soul.
It’s what we eat that comes from pig that has given me cause to put my guard up and my foot down for my whole life. That is until two weeks ago.
Chris and I think we are pretty funny. We get a kick out of ourselves, actually.
Up until the last week and a half or so, I was very confident that I resided in the desert
Yesterday Logan was trying to describe to me some sort of Lego structure and used the words, “big little.”
I can always find something better to do than clean my bathroom.
This is what keeps startling Chris and I every time we walk past the living room window since 4p.m. yesterday when we got home from Fort Collins!