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They weren’t just the hobnobbing absent-minded-seeming lugs with fancy duds and lots of jewelry that Disney portrays them to be:
Now then, where were we? With the promise of seven more movie titles. Seven. I for sure am with a solid four. Here we go.
What are my earliest memories of going to the movies? What are yours?
With the month of July barreling in to a quick halt in its finish, I feel there is something I need to cover before its too late.
When I walk into Bob and Tony’s Pizza in Estes Park, a pizza institution along Main Street since 1970, the first thing I notice is the ordering counter and cash register on the right side.
When Chris and I were still kids (read: early twenties, dating, but on our own…) we took a trip up to Rocky Mountain National Park one spring day to hike around one of our favorite spots, Bear Lake.