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Peanuts, Clay and Puppets…It’s Christmas Time!

Maybe it is because we aren’t hosting Thanksgiving at our house for the first time in something like nine years, this year, that I have felt the burning desire to get everything Christmas out in front of me, like, yesterday! We haven’t yet, by the way, but  it was during dinner on Sunday last weekend that Logan began sharing with us what he remembers from what have become some of his favorite Christmas shows. This is exciting because I know I have grown up with my favorites each year, and now that my kids are becoming old enough to start remembering their favorites, it somehow feels like I’ve done something right. Like I have a warm bit of excitement in my heart, knowing that, as a parent, I have been able to pass along these kinds of holiday treasures to them. 

With that, it was from A Charlie Brown Christmas that Logan made his first reference.

His favorite part being when Charlie Brown and Linus (Logan thought they were brothers! 🙂 ) go searching for a Christmas tree and see pink aluminum ones before finding the little one that needs Charlie Brown’s love. Logan questioned the aluminum trees and I didn’t actually have any wisdom to offer him on that. I’ve never experienced an aluminum Christmas tree, myself, and that has in fact always been something I’ve wondered about from year to year!

Dear Mr. Schultz, 

Where did your inspiration for brightly colored aluminum trees come from?

Love, Jen and Logan

Another Christmas favorite that comes out just as early as Charlie Brown in my house, is Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. This is the original, folks, when Bob and Gordon were still full of youth in their bell bottom corduroy pants and sweater turtle necks. Before Elmo took over and Mr. Hooper still ran the little store. It’s possible that I even learned about Hanukkah from this show! When Mr. Hooper is bringing gifts to Bert and Ernie and happens to pass Bob on the sidewalk outside. “Merry Christmas, Bob!” Mr. Hooper says.

And Bob responds, with a knowing nod, “Mr, Hooper? Happy Hanukkah.”

So friendly!

I loved this one so much. I remember coming home from elementary school and it was actually playing on PBS. I’d curl up at the end of our couch, just inches from the T.V. screen to watch it. When I rediscovered this gem as an adult, I couldn’t watch it without a box of Kleenex near by. Now, my kids sing along to the songs and when they hear Feliz Navidad,  especially, on the radio, they announce, “This is from the Christmas Sesame Street!” Yes, children, yes. It is…

This one here was oh so popular in my house growing up. Claymation Christmas. And some how along the way, someone in my family slipped and called it cremation Christmas and it has always been a long running joke that a little chuckle is born from every year. It’s so funny and cute. We have Rex and Herb, the dinosaurs up there, who narrate the collection of Christmas songs that have been put with a corresponding animation – except made from clay.

This was when the California Raisins were all the rage and they perform the last number in perfect harmony. The funny thing I remember about this one, was that we had to watch it on a recorded VHS tape year after year. And, you know what happens to recorded VHS tapes after time – well, the quality lessens and lessens leaving not much more than static, black lines and messed up audio. We have since found our own copy that meets the requirements of today’s technological advancements and can watch it our leisure in perfect quality. Phew! We love dancing with the kids to the music of Claymation Christmas.

What are your favorite Christmas shows?

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