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When I Grow Up…

I was asked an interesting question at work the other night by a friend and co-worker. What do you want to do when your kids are grown more and in school full time? I took this to mean, What do you want to do when you grow up? I say that only because for quite a long time now, I always refer to the idea as that-what I want to still do when I grow up. Because, even though I am 35, I still feel like there is something else out there that I will end up doing, and maybe I won’t be “grown up” until I do it. What do you think of that?

On the one hand, it wasn’t that interesting a question because it’s something that I have put thought into in the past. I don’t actually have a career, so I don’t consider myself at that stage of life, yet. That right there is what I think is interesting, my friends. But this time, what I’m stuck on is the fact that I didn’t actually have an answer for her. That threw me for a loop because up until rather recently, if I were asked that question, I would have known exactly what to say!

I will either become a Yoga teacher or a Chef.

But, as of Friday night last week, something tells me that neither of those aspirations ring true any longer, and that “something” is the fact that I didn’t speak the words, Yoga teacher or Chef  immediately upon hearing the question and giving my answer!

What does this mean? I haven’t been able to let it go all weekend. I’ve lost track of my love for Yoga and if I’m being honest, I know how I am in the kitchen and I don’t know if Chef and Jen are two words that play nicely together. This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t just love to take some cooking classes at some point because I do love to cook…but I will happily stick to the term at-home-cook to suite my needs.

I began wondering if I really need to know what I want to be when I grow up. Can’t I fly by the seat of my pants? I think the first thing that comes to mind though, now, would be a full time blogger. But, I don’t really know what that means, exactly. Doing what I’m doing now, just on a grander scale? I will have more time then to devote to it, that’s for sure! I do plan to continue my blogging. After all, I consider myself a writer. I went to college for it, even!

I remember last summer when I ran into an old classmate of mine from junior high and high school. We hadn’t seen one another in 16 years! He asked me quite quickly what I “do,” and upon telling him that I work part time at Starbucks by night and raise my kids by day, I wanted to feel a little (dare I say it…) embarrassed. Like I wasn’t successful or something. Like a shmancy, well paying job would have allowed me to hold my head a little higher during our exchange? But, no. He met my kids and when both my boys gave him knuckles (or a pound, whatever you call it), that was enough to make me hold my head high in the realization that raising my family is what I “do.” And, it’s going well and I think I might not be too bad at it.

So, that leads me back to my friend and coworker asking me what I will “do” when I grow up. I think I might just see what I feel like then (when is then?). Being a Mom is what I do. And will always do. There will be a time when I can fit in more. I just want to be happy. I’ll “do” whatever that is and I may not know it until I’m knee deep in it. Maybe then I will affirm that I “grew-up.” Am I already?


“What do I want to do when I grow up, a.k.a. what will I do when the kids are all grown?”. It’s been on my mind often lately. Should I go back to school? Can this 40 something mind of mine learn more skills? But, right now whether we moms work part-time or full-time or are home full-time, we’re not “just” moms. We’re the caretakers of our precious family, running the home, loving, guiding, encouraging these amazing kids that God has given us. So…we need to hold our heads high when someone asks what we do and say “I am a mom” and be so very proud of that title!

Thank you, Gina. Your comment gave me goose bumps. You are so right. Being a mom is the hardest, yet most wonderful and fulfilling job there is. I’m proud to get to do it along side you. 🙂

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