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However, yesterday, Logan actually came to use with a real concern. Our ears perked up like a dog on the hunt.
But as fate would have it, my wish came true in the shape of a tumor in my husband’s brain. Darnit!
Two weeks ago we found out my husband has a tumor in his brain that will need to be surgically removed.
Here is a little dialogue between Eli and I this morning…
If the Tooth Fairy’s cover is revealed, does that make Santa Claus loose all credibility?
I practice believing that full life is beyond the fear…
Today I am focusing on becoming one with my sewing machine.
And my brain, well, lets just say, as necessary as it is to my being, it is way too over active…
I hesitated and hesitated to come back here. Here. To my beloved blog. The blog that I so tenderly cared for just a year ago.
As if I were speaking on behalf of my blog, I might say that we are having an identity crisis!